Lynne H. Goodwin 718 East 3550 North North Ogden, UT 84414 (801) 782-0062 Doodling has always been a hobby of Lynne Goodwin. Early on, she drew to entertain (i.e. keep quiet) six younger brothers and sisters. Later she drew for her own entertainment and found that drawing fantasy figures and scenes was relaxing. She also began exhibiting her work at the urging of her husband, science fiction artist Michael Goodwin. She has found time to keep doodling in spite of full-time work, first as an English teacher, then as Assistant to the Director of the Hansen Planetarium, then as Promotions and Public Affairs Director for a daily newspaper, and, currently, as the founding director of an interactive children's museum, called Treehouse. Her work has been published in numerous magazines, several books, and by a national greeting card company. Now she paints extensively for her museum (whole walls and rooms) and she occasionally amuses her own, very artistic son, Robert, with her smaller drawings. Once in a while, all three Goodwins find their way into the family art studio at the same time, each working quietly on very different projects. In their case, the family that paints together, stays together -- or else asphyxiates each other.